Common Law
Invoked 2001
Meet Your StrawMan
Magna Carta 1215
Common Law
Bills of Exchange Promissory Note
Postal Power
Dedicated To John Harris
Document to set you free
How your Postal Mechanics can works
Knowledge is Power....
Postal Mechanics is truly the master of freedom.
Universal Postal Union :
The Universal Postal Union, established by the Treaty of Bern of 1874, is a specialized agency of the United Nations that coordinates postal policies among member nations, in addition to the worldwide postal system
This UPU is what protects you with anyone trying to stop you or if they
interfere with your mail.
Its a bit like you interfering with a postman.
Its all the same thing you just a postmaster of your own mail.
Meaning nobody can stop you on rural roads with live mail.
You can use this to travel all over on all rural roads.
The UPU stands under the constitutional Law.
Constitutional Law Meaning:
The basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social
group that determine the powers and duties of the government and
guarantee certain rights to the people in it.
A written instrument embodying the rules of a political or
social organization.
How To Bond Your Paper work.
When you learn how to do all 3 of these tools together you will see how
powerful private Wo/Man you become.
This is how i believe individual you bring down the corruption.
Sovereign = Evidence = Postal Mechanics = Postmaster = Common Law =Our Courts = Equal = Judge = Individual Power = Strength in Numbers = We hold the Gallows = We are the Power.
Remember where you heard it first.
When everyone is ready to be equal come together under common law private Wo/Man &
Understand how this works its very important, for US to learn to win.
When you start to begin to see that we have all been lied to you will see how much
evidence we have against them.
We individually have the power to bond our own evidence together, using our postmasters
then as individual but in numbers we aboard the courts a claim everything back at the
same time we hand our own evidence to the judge.
Remember nobody can stop mail or open your mail without your consent.
Meaning nobody can stop you delivering this evidence to a high court judge.
As you are sovereign the judge has to stand under the law.
We then win this altogether.
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