Common Law
Invoked 2001
Meet Your StrawMan
Magna Carta 1215
Common Law
Bills of Exchange Promissory Note
Postal Power
Dedicated To John Harris
Document to set you free
How to Step out of the matrix.
How To Become Soverenity.
The only way you can claim your sovereignty back is when you become fearless of the programming thats been done to you over the years of what you think is to be true.
When you understand how your Straw-man works.
When you see the full truth of your Governments CRIMES.
When you understand the wording they use against you.
When you understand that a private Wo/Man does not have to consent or interfere with corp-orations.
The true fact is that you only have to just say NO.
Nobody knows you and if they did your private.
When all this fits into place then you have achieved your goal.
Only when you consent you lose.